Friday, March 6, 2009

Replacing one site column with another

We have a SharePoint list of author pages that use a particular PageLayout. This PageLayout includes a content type that includes site columns named FirstName and LastName.

We wanted to have this list of pages be sortable by the Author’s first or last name. The problem is someone that was on this project that is no longer a part of this project made those two fields as Publishing HTML types instead of Single Line of Text types. Who knows why. But Publishing HTML types are not sortable as display columns of a list.

So we wanted to convert the columns to Single Line of Text. We discovered it was not as easy as just going to the site column and changing it to the Single Line of Text. We could not do it in the UI so we tried in code. We could do it, but what it did was to change the master site column but then detached everywhere that used that column and made local columns that were Publishing HTML so it would not break the content in those fields.

So instead here are the steps we took to complete this…

1.Create two new site columns, First_Name and Last_Name.
a.Go to Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Modify All Site Settings (make sure you are at the top level of the site)
b.Go to Site columns under Galleries
c.Click Create
d.Enter column name, select Single Line of Text, and put into whatever Group you want. Click OK
e.Repeat c and d for second field
2.Add site columns to the Content Type that is used on the PageLayout you want to modify
a.Go to Site Content Types under Galleries
b.Select the right Content Type
c.Under Columns, click Add from existing site columns
d.Add the two new site columns
3.Create console program (my code can be found at the bottom)
a.Must first find the content type that you want to change
b.Then loop through all sites looking for all Lists that use that content type
c.Copy over data looping through each row of each list found
4.Find all User Controls that have the old field and replace with the new field, including any code that references that field. My code will pump out all the Web – List – Items that were copied to a log file, so you can use that list to help find which user controls use those fields.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Fields;

namespace SiteColumnSwitch
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// -----------------------------------------
// Declare VARs
// -----------------------------------------
string siteUrl = "http://mysite";
string contentType = "Author";
string oldSiteColumnName = "LastName";
string newSiteColumnName = "Last_Name";

// -----------------------------------------
// Call converter
// -----------------------------------------
SwapSiteColumns converter = new SwapSiteColumns();
using (SPSite siteColl = new SPSite(siteUrl))
converter.Swap_SiteColumns(siteColl, contentType, oldSiteColumnName, newSiteColumnName);
catch (ApplicationException ex)

class SwapSiteColumns
string FileLocation = @"C:\Data.txt"; // where to store log file

// -----------------------------------------
// Log settings
// -----------------------------------------
internal void Log(Exception e)
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(FileLocation, true))
{ file.WriteLine(e.Message); }
internal void Log(string LogData)
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(FileLocation, true))
{ file.WriteLine(LogData); }
internal void Log(bool Clear)
if (Clear)
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(FileLocation);


internal void Swap_SiteColumns(SPSite site, string contentType, string oldSiteColumnName, string newSiteColumnName)
// -----------------------------------------
// Declare VARs
// -----------------------------------------
SPContentType cType = null;
SPField oldField = null;
SPField newField = null;

// -----------------------------------------
// Get ContentType info
// -----------------------------------------
foreach (SPWeb web in site.AllWebs) // look in all webs until found
foreach (SPContentType contType in web.ContentTypes) // check each content type in each web until found
if (contentType == contType.Name.ToString())
cType = contType;
break; // found content type

if (null != cType) // if content type found, search for site columns in content type
foreach (SPField cField in cType.Fields)
if (cField.InternalName == oldSiteColumnName) { oldField = cField; }
if (cField.InternalName == newSiteColumnName) { newField = cField; }

if (null == oldField || null == newField) // if not found by Internal Name look for by Display Name

foreach (SPField cField in cType.Fields)
if (cField.Title == oldSiteColumnName && oldField == null) { oldField = cField; }
if (cField.Title == newSiteColumnName && newField == null) { newField = cField; }

if (null != oldField && null != newField)
break; // found both old and new site columns

// -----------------------------------------
// Find where content type is used and copy data.
// -----------------------------------------
if (null != oldField && null != newField)
foreach (SPWeb web in site.AllWebs) // check in all webs
Swap_Data(web, cType, oldField, newField); // swap data if found
else // site columns were not found
if (null == oldField) { Log(string.Format("Could not find site column: {0}", oldSiteColumnName)); }
if (null == newField) { Log(string.Format("Could not find site column: {0}", newSiteColumnName)); }

internal void Swap_Data(SPWeb web, SPContentType cType, SPField oldField, SPField newField)
if (null != oldField && null != newField)
SPListCollection webLists = web.Lists; // get Lists from web
foreach (SPList wList in webLists) // check each list in web
foreach (SPContentType contType in wList.ContentTypes) // check each content type of a list
if (contType.Id.Parent == cType.Id contType.Id == cType.Id) // if the content type or it's parent is the right content type
MoveFieldsInList(wList, oldField, newField); // move data

private void MoveFieldsInList(SPList wList, SPField oldField, SPField newField)
foreach (SPListItem lItem in wList.Items) // each item (record) in the List
SPFieldText fld = lItem.Fields[newField.Id] as SPFieldText;
string fldValue = fld.GetFieldValueAsText(lItem[newField.Title]); // value already in new field
string fldValueNew = fld.GetFieldValueAsText(lItem[oldField.Title]); // value to be put in new field
if (fldValueNew != fldValue) // if value needs to be replaced
SPFile liFile = lItem.File;
try // check item out
catch (SPException ex)
{ // check it in first, then check it out
liFile.CheckIn("forced check in to update item");

lItem[newField.Title] = fldValueNew; // set the new value in the field
Log(string.Format("Parent web: {0} List: {1} Item: {2} Value: {3} New Value: {4}", wList.ParentWeb.Title, wList.Title, lItem.DisplayName, fldValue, fldValueNew));

catch (Exception ex)
Log(string.Format("{0} : {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message));
catch (Exception ex)
Log(string.Format("{0} : {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message));
liFile.CheckIn("Auto-checkin from updating item."); // check the file in
catch (Exception ex)
Log(string.Format("{0} : {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message));

// these steps are dependent on how your environment is set up (Publish and Approve)
liFile.Publish("Auto-checkin from updating item.");
liFile.Approve("Auto-checkin from updating item.");
catch (Exception ex)
Log(string.Format("Could not auto approve " + liFile.Name));
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("eCommerce", "Could not auto approve " + liFile.Name);


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