Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pages. (Page Layout or Master Page)

I have moved all references to a Page Layout to a different Page Layout. But when I try to delete the Page Layout, I get this error.

"This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pages”

After spending hours trying to modify my code, thinking I'm missing references somewhere, I finally searched around for this error. I found that it is a Microsoft known bug. Their workaround is to check the Hidden Page in the properties of the Page Layout or Master Page, and if it is currently a Master Page, change it to a Page Layout. That will keep it from being selectable when creating a page.

But, here is the real workaround that I found out there...

1. Create a folder inside the Master Page Gallery.
2. Move the Page Layout or Master Page you don't want and are not using anymore.
3. Delete the folder.

I can only guess at why it works, but it does, and I'm glad someone out there thought to try such a thing.

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